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Comfort Women memorial unveiling ceremony in Fort Lee, NJ NorthJersey

Featured in the Gold Coast Life Newspaper

The young people in the Youth Council of Fort Lee are an impressive bunch.

This week, the group comprised of high school-aged activists, unveiled a memorial to the Comfort Women, a group of Asian women who were kidnapped during World War II — and then forced into sexual slavery…


clima con

Featured in the Fort Lee Today publication and Bergen Resource Net article.


Featured in the Korean Media


Comfort Women, a broadway musical

Producers of the show graciously invited the YCFL members to their performance. We took a group picture with the cast members and producers after the show.


Filipino-americans show their support

Comfort Women Memorial Project received support from Filipino-Americans, represented by the National Association of Filipino Lawyers (NFALA).



Owner of Gammeeok, a local favorite Korean restaurant, donated gift cards for the Comfort Women Memorial Project. Other local community leaders joined us for a lunch to show their support as well.